NC Department of Transportation Snow Clearing Policy

It is the policy of the Division of Highways not to remove snow and ice from sidewalks, nor is it the policy to
clear driveways and/or driveway entrances of snow and ice.

It is the policy of the Division of Highways to provide for the removal of snow and ice in the following order
of priority:

1. Those routes included in the Bare Pavement System. These generally consist of all interstate and
four-lane divided primary routes and other primary and secondary routes considered to be
essential to the fulfillment of the overall objectives of snow and ice removal – the movement of
intrastate traffic. The routes included in the Bare Pavement System should be reviewed annually
by the division engineer. He will include new routes and delete old routes as deemed necessary.
He will assure continuity of the bare pavement routes from county to county and district to district
within the division. Once the Bare Pavement System is finalized, it will be submitted to the State
Road Maintenance Unit. The Maintenance Unit will assure the continuity of bare pavement routes
from division to division.

2. Other U.S. and N.C. Routes not included in the Bare Pavement System.

3. Other paved secondary routes not included in the Bare Pavement System.

4. Unpaved secondary routes.

The Bare Pavement Policy provides for the direct application of deicing chemicals to those routes included
in the Bare Pavement System. This policy also requires that these routes will be the first cleared of snow
and ice following a storm. Insofar as is possible and practical, traffic will be kept moving on these routes
during a storm; however, it is not the policy to maintain a “bare pavement” throughout the course of all
storms. Those routes not on the Bare Pavement System will be cleared by plowing operations and without
direct application of deicing chemicals except in cases of extreme emergency. These emergencies will
normally be limited to specific locations (shaded areas on hills, super-elevated curves, etc.) where
extremely hazardous conditions exist.

It is the policy of the Division of Highways that the application of chlorides to the travel ways of the system
shall be consistent with our objectives to protect the environment. The recommended application rates
are considered to be correct and proper for the various weather and highway conditions indicated and
heavier applications are discouraged. Highway Maintenance Engineer should identify environmentally
sensitive areas within their individual areas of responsibility that may require alternative application rates
and devise special instructions for snow and ice removal techniques for roads adjacent to these locations.