Catawba Co Schools Coronavirus update

Catawba County Schools Families,
We realize that Governor Cooper’s executive order to close all public schools until at least March 30, 2020, has created a lot of questions and concerns. Please know that we are committed to supporting our children and the community, and are working hard to answer all of your questions.
At our Board of Education Emergency Meeting that occurred at 5:30 PM on Sunday, we approved the CCS Framework for At-Home Learning. We will roll it out to our teachers first, then to our students. At-Home Learning will be a combination of paper packets and online learning depending on the grade level. We are still several days away from rolling this out to students.
Here are a few important items regarding tomorrow:
  1. Right now, all decisions are being made day by day. Dr. Stover will continue to receive guidance from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) as well as the Governor’s Office.
  2. Tomorrow, Monday, March 16, 2020, will be an OPTIONAL TEACHER WORKDAY as originally planned.
  3. There will be NO QUEST on Monday, March 16, 2020.
  4. Principals will meet either face-to-face or via Google Hangout with all teachers on Monday to thoroughly explain our CCS Framework for At-Home Learning. Teachers will begin preparing for At-Home Learning on Monday.
  5. CCS Leadership will continue to work on creating our plan for the next steps – including the direction for the Quest Program, as well as providing meals to our students. More information to come.
This situation is evolving hourly as our state and our nation respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. We will update you tomorrow and frequently after as we work through all the details for our students, staff, and families.

Quick FAQs

Will we have to make up these days? Will you take our Spring Break away from us? As of right now, Spring Break will still be April 13 – 17 as previously scheduled. The state government will decide whether we will have to make up these days and we will be sure to communicate this as soon as we hear.
Will my child be able to continue to receive breakfast and/or lunch? We are working on the last details of a plan to make sure that all of our students who are in need are fed. We will be in touch soon about this.
What if we don’t have a computer or reliable internet at home? We are working on ways to provide internet for students who are in need. Stay tuned for more information.
We know you have many more questions and want more answers than the ones in this document. We promise we will let you know more as soon as we know more. Thank you to our Board of Education for convening an emergency meeting on a Sunday and to all of our Catawba County Schools families for your patience, kindness, and understanding as we are all working through this crisis together.
Matt Stover