Burke Co. Reaches 203 Positive Coronavirus

Burke County is currently at 203 positive cases. The cases consist of traveling, congregate living,
and community spread. All positive cases are isolated and Public Health staff continues to
investigate the cases and will be locating those close contacts to help contain the spread of the
• Numbers noted on the state website may fluctuate during the public health investigations when
staff find out that some positive tests are truly not Burke County residents. Numbers listed above
are correct numbers for Burke County.
• Public information line has been opened Monday through Friday, 8am – 5pm for those with
questions can call 828-764-9388.
Our new normal, practice the 3 W’s: WEAR – a cloth face covering when out in public and in places
where you cannot physically distance yourself from others, WAIT – at least six feet from others
everywhere you are and WASH – your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand
sanitizer if you do not have access to soap and water.
Update about testing criteria from the State:
As of Friday, the state has changed the criteria for testing. The new guidelines for testing are
• Anyone with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19
• Close contacts of known positive cases, regardless of symptoms
• Regardless of symptoms, anyone at higher risk of exposure or at a higher risk for severe
disease. Such patient populations are:
o Persons who live in or have regular contact with high-risk settings (e.g., long-term care
facility, homeless shelter, correctional facility, migrant farmworker camp, etc.)
o Persons who are at high risk of severe illness (e.g., people over 65 years of age, people of
any age with underlying health conditions and those with weakened immune systems
from other conditions such as receiving cancer treatments, those living with HIV, etc.)
o Persons who come from historically marginalized populations.
o Healthcare workers or first responders (e.g. EMS, law enforcement, fire department,
o Front-line and essential workers (grocery store clerks, gas station attendants, etc.) in
settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain
For those who go to get a test are required to self-isolate (stay at home and do not go out for any
reason) at home until their test results return which could be 2 to 4 days depending upon the
company doing the testing. You will need to also self-isolate from others within your home until
your test results come back so you do not spread the virus within your home.
Update about COVID-19 Antibody Testing for Burke County:
On Friday May 22nd, Solid Rock Family Medicine, in conjunction with Quest Diagnostics, will be
conducting drive thru COVID-19 antibody testing from 9am to 5pm for anyone that desires it. The test will go to Quest Diagnostics to be conducted. Quest is in charge of all the billing for the antibody testing,
and they have told me that they will hold all bills until the government pays since they are “supposed be
On Friday May 29th and June 5th, , Solid Rock Family Medicine, in conjunction with Quest
Diagnostics, will conduct drive thru COVID-19 testing & the COVID antibody testing for anyone in
Burke County, who is symptomatic, a known contact of someone who has tested positive, or high risk
All testing may take 3-5 days for results. For those who go to get a COVID-19 test, you are required
to self-isolate (stay at home and do not go out for any reason) at home until their test results return
which could be 2 to 4 days depending upon the company doing the testing. You will need to also
self-isolate from others within your home until your test results come back so you do not spread the
virus within your home.
The antibody testing is FDA /EUA approved.
If you have any further questions or need additional information, contact the Burke County Public
Information Line at 828-764-9388, Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm. After hours, weekends and
holidays, the NC Public Information Line number is provided as a resource to contact. The operator will
answer your questions or direct you to the correct person to answer your questions. Or you can also visit
the Burke County COVID-19 webpage at www.burkenc.org/COVID-19. If you are having a medical
emergency, call 9-1-1 and inform the dispatcher that you have symptoms listed for COVID-19.