2 New COVID-19 Deaths Reported In the Area

 Burke County Public Health was notified Monday of the sixteenth death in Burke County. The person was in their 30’s and died from complications associated with underlying medical issues and tested positive for COVID-19 later. The cases of community spread continue to rise within Burke county.  Officials say some residents do not follow the Governor’s Executive Order regarding gathering inside and outside in large number sand potentially continuing to spread this infection.  It is also imperative for those testing positive to  STAY AT HOME.  As of Monday Burke County had 451 positive cases. Wednesday, June 3, the Burke County Health Department will be hosting a targeted first come first serve drive thru COVID-19 testing clinic at East Burke Middle School parking lot for individuals that live in the eastern portion of Burke County.  Testing is only for Burke County residents living in towns from Valdese to the eastern county line.  Those seeking testing will need to bring their driver’s license and insurance card if you have insurance coverage.  All testing may take 2-5 days for results.

The eighth COVID-19-related death was reported Monday by Catawba County Public Health.  11 new cases were reported Monday increasing the total to 234.  86 patients have recovered, and five people remained hospitalized
Eighteen new cases were reported in Caldwell County Monday.  That brings Caldwell County’s total to 161 with 85 active cases.
People who have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 positive patient, but are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms should consider being tested on Wednesday, June 3, between 9 a.m. and noon at the Caldwell County Health Department Drive-thru testing event. The event is first come first serve and will be held at 2345 Morganton Boulevard in Lenoir. To see a complete list of who should be tested, visit www.caldwellcountync.org/coronavirus-covid-19/testing