Burke Reports Twentieth Death

Burke County Public Health was notified today of the twentieth COVID-19
associated death in Burke County. The individual in their 40’s was hospitalized but died from
complications associated with their underlying medical condition. To protect the family’s
privacy, no further information about the patients will be released.
“We want to extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of this individual”, said Burke
County Health Director Rebecca McLeod. This infection continues to spread within our community and
has the potential to cause fatal results to anyone infected with this infection. This is one reason why it is
important for everyone to comply with the face covering requirement and reduce the spread of this
The cases of community spread continue to rise within the county. Remember to practice the 3 W’s at all
times: Wear, a cloth face covering when out in public and cannot physically distance yourself from
others, Wait at least six feet away from others and Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or
use hand sanitizer if you do not have access to soap and water. It is also imperative for those testing
positive to STAY AT HOME.
For general questions about COVID-19, you can contact the Burke County Public Information line at
828-764-9168 or visit the COVID-19 webpage at www.burkenc.org/COVID-19.